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Student Life at ISHETHRA

Life at The ISHETHRA School is full of opportunities at every turn. Here, Ishethrians study, teach, learn, play and eat amid nature, with respect for life in all its varied forms

Food System

Food determines the physical, mental and spiritual growth. To enjoy the complete cycle of human life, an appropriate food habit is essential. The food we eat must suit the human digestive system. Ishethra has a complete planned menu as suggested by beloved Founder Jai Guruji.

  • A well balanced pure vegetarian diet.
  • The day breaks with Nuts and Dry fruits.
  • Energy malt made up of different millets for everyday.
  • Fruits / fruit juice between meals.
  • Fresh milk is given daily from school’s Ghoshala before bedtime.
  • Sprouts, Herbal Soups, Millets are served daily. They are added meals between meals.
  • Herbal Soups and sprouts are added meals between meals.
  • Chilly, Tamarind, Masalas, Artificial flavours and colours are avoided as they affect health and promote either Rajasic and Tamasa.
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Peace, Harmony and integrity elevate human values. Celebrations bring different cults together. Celebrations teach us the science behind our culture and tradition. Ishethrians celebrate all the important national and regional festivals of India.

  • Culture, heritage, tradition, harmony, sharing and hospitality all live in celebrations
  • Beginning from Ganesa chathurthi, Krishna Jayanthi, Ramzan, Christmas, Pongal to Mahashivarathiri all the festivals are celebrated
  • On Vaigunda Ekadhasi and Maha shivarathiri we observe fasting and chanting
  • Children know the traditional way of Pooja’s and its meaning and know to connect the celebrations with seasons and reasons.
  • Eco-friendly idols, immersion of idols, preparing dishes by themselves are done in accordance to the festivals
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Health Care

Children are treated with Ayurvedic and Siddha medicines mostly.

  • The school wishes to give medical care without side effect
  • Most of the diseases are treated with our ancient Traditional medicines
  • Our school medical officer’s guidance is taken
  • School has periodical medical examining schedule.
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Daily Routines

Grade 1 & 2 Students Grade 8 to 10 students
5.00am - Wake up 4.00am - Wake up
5.00am-5.45am - Bathing 4.00-4.45am - Bathing
5.45am-6.15am - Enviro care 4.45-5.45am - Yoga & Meditation
5.45 – 6.15am - Enviro Care
6.15 - 6.30am - Nuts and Health Drink 6.15 - 6.30am - Nuts and Health Drink
6.30 - 7.30am - Yoga & Meditation 6.30 -8.00am - Morning Study
7.30 – 8.00am – Morning Study
8.00 - 8.40am - Break fast 8.00 - 8.40am - Break fast
8.45 am - Assembly 8.45 am - Assembly
9.00 – 11.00am - Class 9.00 – 11.00am - Class
11.00 – 11.15am - Fruit / Juice 11.00 – 11.15am - Fruit / Juice
11.15 – 12.35pm - Class 11.15 – 12.35pm - Class
12.35-1.20pm - Lunch break 12.35-1.20pm - Lunch break
1.30 – 2.30pm - Activities 1.20 -3.20pm - Class/Library/Art & Craft
2.30 – 4.00pm - Rest 3.20 – 4.00pm - Special Tution
04.00-04.30pm - Mass drill 04.00-04.30pm - Mass drill
04.30pm-05.30pm - Special games 04.30-05.30pm - Special games
05.30pm-6.00pm - Refreshment 05.30pm-6.00pm - Refreshment
06.00pm-06.30pm - Meditation 06.00pm-06.30pm - Meditation
06.30pm-08.00pm - Study time 06.30pm-08.00pm - Study time
08.00pm-08.30pm - Dinner & Milk 08.00pm-08.30pm- Dinner & Milk
08.30pm-09.00pm - Discussion 08.30pm-09.00pm - Discussion
09.00pm - Bed time 09.00pm - Bed time

The name ISHETHRA is an acronym of International School for Holistic Education through Traditional, Historical and Realistic Approach.

Our Contacts

Pungambadi Village,
Aravakurichi – 639201,
Karur District, Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone : +91 6381173176 ,
             +91 6385573176
Email: ishethra@gmail.com